The Anthropomorphs of Diane are her story and they have their history, they are of others and they are her because she creates them, because history can not be changed, but stories can. Stories are told, and by telling them they are invented, and by inventing them they are created.
Among all of these figures that invade her and accompany her, she has called upon some and other have just appeared. There are scores of them, more and more, and nobody knows who they are or what is to be done with them.
What can be done with the things that nobody wants? What can we do with something that we don´t even know what it is? What can we do with our memories, with fears and obsessions, with deaths, with love, with anger, and with embarrassment? What can be done with the body of the other? What
can we do about with the strangeness that our own bodies produce? What
can be done about the discomfort of having a body that at the same time fascinates us and gets in our way? What can be done about the remainders?
With the remnants, with what is missing, with what is left over, with what repeats?
Text: Marina Lieberman